It started with one person, Echo Park resident Barry Walker, who cooked and delivered Turkey Day meals to the homeless in his neighborhood… and now a group of friends in Echo Park have shown up to help cook and deliver meals for the past 10 years – the first year, 28 homeless were fed! The next year more showed up and over fifty meals went out. The following year, we reached the 100 mark and last year we were able to feed over 1,500 homeless in our neighborhood and leave them with t-shirts, beanies, shoes, sweaters, and tooth brush kits. Gobble Gobble Give is a community event and has become an incredible example of what a community can do to make change.
Gobble Gobble Give is looking for volunteers on every level who can give food, money, or clothing and those who can donate their time this upcoming Thanksgiving day (Nov 26th) by cooking, warming, packaging and delivering food to the homeless in Echo Park and Downtown LA. Every little bit helps
those in need, so show some love and give a friend a reason to be thankful.
Click here to donate money to Gobble Gobble Give for supplies and food.
Click here to donate your time on Thanksgiving Day.
GGG is also taking DONATIONS IN ADVANCE of clothing (specifically, gently used sweaters, jackets, shirts, socks, and hats for men, women, children), blankets, and supplies for toiletry kits toothbrush/toothpaste, soap and shampoo. All clothing, supplies and toiletries can dropped off in advance this Saturday, Nov 21st and Sunday, Nov. 22nd from 1-4 PM at Raven Spa (2910 Rowena Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90039-2042 / ph: 323-644-0240).
Here’s the rundown on how THANKSGIVING DAY will work:
Everyone arrives at 10 a.m. SHARP Thanksgiving morning at The Echo night club in Echo Park. The address is 1822 Sunset Bl. 90026.
Everyone is asked to bring the following:
1. A DISH. “ALREADY HEATED” This is a potluck event. It can be as little as a side of vegetables or it can be three large bowls of your grandma’s famous “cranberry walnut stuffing”. We can always use Turkeys and main course items. Side dishes are great as well. Veggies, Veggies, Veggies. Mashed potatoes, yams, vegetables, greens, etc. Of course desserts are always awesome. If you are bringing a main dish like an entire turkey or ham etc. please email us at turkeycrew@gobblegobblegive.org and let us know so we can tabulate what we need as we get closer to the big day.
2. FIVE (5) SMALL TOILETRY KITS. that include a: toothbrush/toothpaste, soap and shampoo. You can get these items very inexpensively at $0.99 stores.
3. CLOTHING AND BLANKETS. Please bring any used blankets and/or gently used sweaters, jackets, shirts, socks, shoes, beanies/hats for men, women,
At 10:15 we begin a large “conveyor Belt” of food and with the help of everyone we put the meals together. We box them up together with care packages of tooth brushes, soap, clothes, etc..
At around 11: 00 a.m. the first vehicles begin to roll out. For those of you who have a car and want to drive you will be known as drivers. We will put a few people in your car with you and you will go out in two or three car teams. We hit the riverbeds, the alleys, the freeway overpasses. sometimes we discover small villages of people in dirt fields and empty lots. The vehicles return after delivering all the meals. We are always done by 1:00 p.m..