Bug tacos? hmmm…

The Machine Project in Echo Park is giving you the opportunity to… Eat bugs! Not my cup of tea, but if you’re interested, read on:

Come on over to a CRITTER Salon at Machine Project on March 12th to try out some edible insects, featuring the delectable wax moth larvae, which have the flavor and texture of crispy fried bacon!!! At this event we’ll be serving wax moth larvae in the form of gourmet tacos, with fresh pressed tortillas, cream, and spicy green salsa. Wash it down with a sip of sweet, cold mead, a refreshing wine that is made from honey, and check out our other insect edibles! Come on over to try a low trophic treat, and find out just exactly what your life has been missing.

The cost is $5, which covers all bug-eating supplies including mead and taco fixin’s. Limited to 40 bug-eaters, so sign up today!