Possible LAPD Hiring Freeze

The E-Police Newsletter sent out yesterday contains a message from Captain Bill Murphy regarding the LAPD hiring freeze everyone is talking about. Here’s the message:

By now most of you are aware of the budget crisis facing the City of Los Angeles. Many city departments have all ready experienced cut backs resulting in a reduction in city services. Possibly tomorrow, the City Council may vote on a hiring freeze for the LAPD. If the motion passes, the Department may see an estimated reduction of several hundred personal by the end of the year due to attrition. We are all ready experiencing a reduction in the number of personal deployed in both detective and field officers due to the elimination of cash overtime. Officers are currently being compensated by compensatory time off. Once officers reach a designated amount, they are required to take extra days off, reducing our deployment. As of now, this is reducing the amount of officers in the field by over six percent. With a hiring freeze, this number will increase. Over the last several years, we have seen a significant decrease in gang activity and violent crime. The Department is dedicated to providing the best service possible. We do not want to take a step backward. It is hoped that the community shares my concerns. Please take an active part by contacting your councilperson and urging them to vote against a hiring freeze. Even though this message is being sent on short notice, if you can, please attended the council meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) and let your voice be heard.

Related Links:
Investigations sit idle as LAPD detectives hit overtime caps – LA Times, April 12, 2010
Council’s budget committee recommends LAPD hiring freeze – LA Times, April 12, 2010
Is a LAPD Hiring Freeze on the Way? – LAist, April 13, 2010