6th Annual EPFC Youth Film Festival

The 6th Annual Echo Park Film Center Youth Film Festival is tomorrow! There are two events, one in the early afternoon, and the other in the evening. Check out the details:

Youth Film Festival: FEED THE MONSTER

1:00 pm at The Smell (247 S. Main Street) in Downtown

Free, all ages welcome

EPFC will be screening youth films from around the world, plus video poems by King Middle School youth poets. There will also be an interactive video and musical performance, where audience members participate in some film loop making and musical improve (musical instruments encouraged!). In the final hour of the event, they will display the results of the interactive video/music-making.

Selected films, images and music will also be posted on EPFC ’s YouTube Channel here.

Work: EPFC Spring 2010 Youth Class Screening

Potluck at 6:00 pm, screening at 7:00 pm followed by a Q&A with filmmakers and instructors

Downtown Independent Theater (251 S. Main Street)

Free, all ages welcome

The EPFC’s youth class will debut their films they’ve been working on for the past three months. The films explore work in our society, turning the cameras “on the worker and becoming craftsmen themselves.”

Visit the Echo Park Film Center website for contact information.