Tag Archive for: Big Sunday

We picked this up from Chicken Corner today, so we thought it better to just share the info about the Big Sunday charity event on Sunday, May 2 at Echo Park Lake, directly from Jenny Burman:

…on May 2 one Big Sunday charity event will be taking place at the rec center, just across the street from the south side of Echo Park Lake, in which Yours Truly and family will be serving lemonade from 1 to 4 p.m. under the aegis of the tireless Ellen Lawler, who organized. Proceeds benefit the Harmony Project, (of which Echo Park violinist/photographer Julie Fowells, a friend, was one of the founders).

Thirsty, but don’t want to drive, bike, walk, crawl all the way to Echo Park? Click here, for a list of lemonade stands (on both weekend days) that will benefit Big Sunday charities.

Good luck!