Cat burrito.
This is the only event you’ll ever have to go to where admission requires that you’re holding a burrito.
Tonight at The Machine Project – Burritos n Beats (and not the other way around) starting at 8:00 pm in Echo Park.
Since LA is the city of burritos (remember this article?) bring a burrito from one of the many establishments just around the corner (El Flamin’ Taco, Taco Zone, Tacos Arizas, Burrito King, whatever floats your boat) and enjoy “cumbia, Nortec & LA-centric beats” from Julián of Culture Remixed.
And, just to drive this point home (from the event notice): Note: to be admitted to this event you must bring a burrito. Anyone with hamburgers or sandwiches will be turned away at the door.
Machine Project is located at 1200 D North Alvarado.