Tag Archive for: critical mass

Pre-Halloween ride! You don’t have to wear a costume, but if you do it will make the ride so much more F.U.N.

Meet at Wilshire and Western Metro Station 6:30pm

Ride at 7:30pm sharp

LA Critical Mass rides through the city of Los Angeles, exerting our right under California Law to ride bicycles on the street.

This is a easy-paced ride.

Fixed-gear fast riders are encouraged to cork intersections then ride up to the front of the pack and cork again.

Though LAPD has been mostly tolerant of our rides, we don’t want to provoke them. Since this is a night ride, you might want to get a rear red blinking light and a front white blinking light. If they (LAPD) tell us to stop at the red lights, we should stop. Let’s be polite and courteous to drivers. Do not argue or engage in conflict.

USC riders meet at Tommy Trojan 6:00pm, Ride to LACM at 6:30pm.

UCLA riders meet at the Bruin Bear 5:30pm, ride to LACM at 6:00pm.

Westside/Culver City/Mar Vista/Palms riders meet at Crank Mob park (Media Park, Culver City) 6:00pm, ride to LACM at 6:30pm

San Fernando Valley: Meet at Noho Station 6:30pm, ride the Redline down to Vermont and Wilshire. Then ride your bikes to Wilshire and Western.

Eastside, please use the Metro Gold Line, Blue Line and Red Line to get to the Wilshire and Western Metro station.

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