Tag Archive for: Eastside Eco Tour

This is your official reminder about the second annual Eastside Eco Tour taking place this Sunday, October 24 from 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm.  Hosted by the Greater Griffith Park Neighborhood Council Green Committee, the tour highlights eight green homes, three community
gardens, and two green exhibits. This is a self-guided tour, so you can visit all or just one.

Eastside or not, the tour looks amazing, is free, and functions just like an open house. The homes on the tour all feature some sort of eco theme, including an architect’s own Leed certified/grey water/beekeeping/composting home, the Green Beacon House, a 1920s craftsman home owned by a greywatercorps.com architect, workshops at Silver Lake Farms, and more!

The event is free, but with a $5 donation you get a free stainless steel water bottle. Proceeds go to Thomas Starr King Middle School’s new environmental studies magnet program, starting Fall 2011.

In addition, the LA Conservation Corp who will be donating 5 gallon shade trees to the community. The pick up location will be at The Milagro Allegro Community Garden in Highland Park, located at 115 S. Avenue 56.

Visit the website for a downloadable map or email tomasogrady@sbcglobal.net with questions.

In association with the Greater Griffith Park Neighborhood Council Green Committee, the second annual East Side Eco Tour will take place on Sunday, October 24 from 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm. The FREE event will take you through ten homes in the Los Angeles area, sort of in the eastside-ish area (there is one home in Highland Park, which is as east as it goes, the rest are Silver Lake/Los Feliz area).

Eastside or not, the tour looks amazing, is free, and functions just like an open house. The homes on the tour all feature some sort of eco theme, including an architect’s own Leed certified/grey water/beekeeping/composting home, the Green Beacon House, a 1920s craftsman home owned by a greywatercorps.com architect, workshops at Silver Lake Farms, and more!

Homeowners and architects will share the lessons that they have learned with those of us who want to reduce our home’s eco footprint.

See gray water systems, solar power, passive cooling, composting, organic vegetable garden, even a green wedding. Homes and people that are highly technical in their approach to footprint reduction and homes and folks who are down to earth and simplistic in their approach. It all works.

For more info, contact Tomas O’Grady at Tomasogrady@sbcglobal.net, 323 387 3866, or visit the Eastside Eco Tour website