Photo by Mario Salazar
Last month, The Eastsider LA posted an article about an owl spotted right on our street of Scott Avenue here in Echo Park. Well, it’s been a couple of months since our neighbor Cecilia’s fiance took the included photo of the Barn Owl, and we’re happy to report it’s definitely still around!
How do we know exactly? Each night after sunset, it makes its presence known by majestically swooping down Scott Avenue followed by a terrifying screeching sound. At first it was alarming, but now it’s routine – we’re used to the beautiful owl and it’s alien-like noises it makes…. Thankfully the screeching is normal, and they eat those teeny and pesky little rodents.
One commenter on The Eastsider LA article notes, “This guy lives in a palm tree on Laveta Terrace. He’s been living here for a couple months now and has a mate with two little ones up in a nest. They may be somewhat noisy neighbors, but they’re beautiful and we’re happy to have them here.”
We’re thinking of nicknaming him, but need some help as we’re not feeling so clever tonight. Suggestions welcome!
Thanks to our neighbors for the photos!