The stadium floor is covered in dirt as they prep for the Monster Truck course
Dodger Stadium is ready for the final show of the Motocross/Monster Truck exhibits before the start of the baseball season.
On Saturday, February 19th, the Stadium is hosting a monster truck show from 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Here’s the full announcement from Dodgers Community Relations Manager, Noel Paillas:
This is a friendly reminder that this upcoming Saturday, February 19th, Dodger Stadium will host a monster truck show. This family-friendly event will occur on the field within the Stadium and will showcase racing, as well as skills of individual drivers and their respective trucks.
The exhibition and racing will begin by 2:00PM and be completed shortly before 10:00PM. This event is expected to be a sell-out and all parking gates used for games will be used for inbound, as well as outbound traffic. As such, this will be handled like all other major games/events at the Stadium. Therefore, to minimize the impact on the community a complete complement of LAPD/LADOT officers will be deployed in the community
And, like the Motocross event, there will be a limited number of first come, first serve tickets available for community members:
Finally, as has been our standing offer, we have a limited number of tickets available for members of the Echo/Elysian Park and Solano Canyon residents who are interested in attending the event. *Please understand these tickets are on a first-come, first served basis* Therefore, if you are a resident of either community and are interested in attending as our guest, you may contact me at noelp@ladodgers.com with interest (including total ticket request), your address and telephone number (additionally, since these tickets will be left under your name they are not-transferrable). Requests must be received by 9:00AM on Wednesday, February 16th. Tickets will be available for pick-up from our front desk starting at noon on Wednesday to 3:00PM on Friday (the day before the event) since Will-Call will not be available on the day of the event. Our Club-Level offices are located in parking lot D. Finally, if your request is granted, you will receive a follow-up confirmation email.
Should you have any questions, require additional information on this event, you may contact our Neighborhood Focus line at 323.224.2636.
Anyone thinking about going?