Intersection of Echo Park Avenue and Scott Avenue
It’s like déjà vu from last year’s Sunset Boulevard street paving project, in which the asphalt was laid down but it took about three weeks to get street lines painted. This time – it’s Echo Park Avenue.
The Bureau of Street Services paved the long strip of Echo Park Avenue a couple of weekends ago, and while there are markers placed in the center lanes and cross walks, it’s for the most part a free-for-all.
Residents complained on the Echo Elysian Neighborhood Council forum recently, mainly in regards to stop sign at Effie Street and Echo Park Avenue. Those residents have noticed more people blowing through the stop sign, probably because they can’t see the sign and there are no lines painted for the intersection.
Representatives from Council District 13 told me they are keeping an eye out. Director of Communications Julie Wong said:
The re-striping is typically done within 2-3 weeks of the completion of the resurfacing project, which means that it will likely be done in the next week or two. Our office is monitoring the situation and will continue to push DOT to make sure it gets done in a timely manner.
In the meantime, drive slowly and carefully along Echo Park Avenue.