Recent Car Break-ins in Echo Park

From a resident on the the Echo Elysian Forum:

In the past week we’ve had at least four car break ins that I’ve noticed plus my own car. We are in a strange pocket of EP – our streets bound the small portion of Elysian Park, Lilac Terrace and a small section of Montana and Elysian Park Drive. Coupled with that fact is the ongoing back and forth between LAPD and Parks about who patrols our area. And we’ve had a lot of gang tags. Personally, we call everything in we can, but I’m not sure if everyone in our area does the same.

We’re heading into Dodger season worried more about safety and far less about parking. We can handle parking. But we need a police presence in EP. When I first moved here 7 years ago we had patrol car cruising around that we saw at least twice a day.

Most of all I just want to warn my neighbors to take everything out of their cars that can be seen (phone chargers, loose change, any sort of portable electronics) and to call everything into NE division that happens – don’t just shrug your shoulders, say “it’s Echo Park” and move on… we deserve a safer neighborhood. I’m not talking Beverly Hills… I’m just saying we should be able to park on the streets and not have a 100% chance of break ins.

For you folks out there, the non-emergency phone number for the police is 877-275-5273. The direct line for the Northeast Division is 213-485-2563

There’s also the Echo Park Security Association, they have a meeting coming up on March 28 where you can find out how to get the group to patrol your neighborhood.

Be safe everyone!

1 reply
  1. KJ says:

    Yes. I frequently have to park on W Lilac Terrace and Elysian Park Ave and have noticed multiple car break-ins. My car was broken into and then one week later it was STOLEN. Reported to police but I agree that there has definitely been less patrolling in the neighborhood. Recent muggings and new tagging in the hood are also evidence of this.

    Report everything! Safety please!

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