Echo Park TAP community cleanup on Saturday

Trash from the EPIA community cleanup in November
The Echo Park Trash Abatement Program (TAP) organization that brought us the Big Belly Solar trash compactor to Echo Park Avenue and Sunset Boulevard is organizing a couple of neighborhood cleanups for you to join. The first is tomorrow, Saturday, December 3, just in time after the “big winds.” The hours dedicated by volunteers like you will be used to meet the required “Match on Grant” (possibly the Clean & Connected Communities grant) awarded by CD13 for the anti-litter banners that will soon adorn area light poles.
Here are the details for both cleanups:
Saturday, December 3, 2011 from 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Meet on Sunset by Metro Bus Stop between Echo Park Avenue and Logan
Dress for weather. Bring water as needed.
Saturday, January 7, 2012 from 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Meet on Sunset by Metro Bus Stop between Echo Park Avenue and Logan
Dress for weather. Bring water as needed.
See you there!
Unrelated to TAP but related to community cleanups Elysian Heights Elementary School will also be cleaning up the post-storm madness on Saturday morning. The school doors will open at 7:00 am with Mr. Maldanado at the helm and Friends of Elysian Heights Elementary working along-side. Bring the whole family (and some coffee) and help the cleanup efforts!
Now that’s quite a bit. Good work, Echo Park Tap!!!!
Does anyone know if the January 7th cleanup is still going forth tomorrow? The TAP website doesn’t have any information about the event and their contact info is out of date. Thanks!