… or works here or hangs out here, or you know one of them through a friend or through a friend of a friend. Perhaps that’s why it feels less like a store and more like someone’s home. But you never feel as though you’re intruding. The front of the space is a second-hand store; “But it’s also my living room,” says Whitney (resident/photographer) who happily showed me around her home.
The Clinic is both a living space for several artists and a space in which they’ve set up shop or studios. There’s a custom framing shop, Ballard’s Artwork Framing, run by Aaron Ballard and focused on personalized and sustainable framing. Adriana Rodriguez, a professional hair stylist, has set up a one-chair salon in the back of the space where she does work by appointment. And local band Pity Party (Have you heard of them? If not, check them
out. They’re super.) does “design, layout and printing on 100 percent trash.” And it just seems to keep going. It’s less of a store than a living entity. Or an artists co-op, if you wanna get technical. Perhaps I’ll let the man that helms the whole operation, Drew, explain what it is.
Now for the hard data. The Clinic is located at 1832 W. Sunset Blvd. It’s on the south side of the street just east of the Sunset bridge that goes over Glendale. It’s open Wednesday through Sunday (closed Monday and Tuesday) and by appointment.