Masa of Echo Park is one of the great neighborhood establishments, where everyone knows your name (we’ve been going since 2005, before they even had a beer and wine!). And the hubby and I aren’t the only ones who frequent the bar stools at Masa, but our view is always the same – two framed photos on one of the pillars, one donning a blue ribbon with the title of “The Mayor.” I recently asked owner Rhonda about it because we kept seeing one of the guys at a neighboring stool, but she also published a great FAQ about the photos in the August Masa Newsletter
The two photos are of Tim and Eric (not related to the Tim & Eric Awesome Show) – two locals who frequent Masa on a daily basis and who were “checking in” on Foursquare. If you’re unfamiliar with the popular mobile app, it unlocks special deals if you check in enough at a participating venue along with the title of Mayor. The two Masa goers keep checking in on Foursquare, one usurping the other, a battle that’s been going on since 2009.

- The Mayor of Echo Park was Tim that day
So Rhonda put up the framed photos and changes the blue ribbon when the Mayorship changes. Most of the time you’ll find the ribbon alongside Tim’s image, as Eric no longer lives directly across the street. But you will occasionally see them dining next to each other at the bar, as the rival is a friendly one!
What’s their favorite thing about going to Masa?
For Eric, “the reason to keep coming back was because of the people working here. Masa is my ‘Cheers’ and was an important part of me feeling settled in Los Angeles.”
For Tim, “I was drawn to Masa because of the good food. I kept coming because of the inclusive and friendly atmosphere. I like to eat at places where people like to see me.”
We, of course, like supporting as many local businesses as possible. What’s your reason to go to Masa, or any other favorite spots in Echo Park?