Tag Archive for: Outpost for Contemporary Art

On Sunday, June 6 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (just five days before the start of the World Cup!!), the Outpost for Contemporary Art will be hosting Futbol Day in Vista Hermosa Park.

“The Beautiful Game, beautiful art and beautiful music will combine at the first Outpost Cup, a June 6 fundraiser to support Outpost’s next cycle of residencies that will bring six South American artists and collectives to Los Angeles over the next two years. Teams of artists, neighborhood and work groups, competitive players, parents vs. kids, and other categories will compete on the pitch for soccer/futbol/futebol/football glory, along with live music, a variety of performance artists and other performers, food and drink from local restaurants and food trucks and more.”

If you’re interested in registering teams, performing or selling food at the event or sponsoring the festivities may contact Julie Deamer at julie(at)outpost-art.org. Or if you want to sign up to play go here.

Outpost for Contemporary Art is a non-profit, Highland Park-based collective that supports “socially-engaged artists” and that “seeks to engage and enrich Los Angeles communities through cross-cultural exchanges and interdisciplinary projects.”