On Saturday, March 26, LA Works is partnering up with the Greater Echo Park Elysian Neighborhood Council to accomplish a unique community service project in honor of Cesar Chavez’s March 31 birthday.

Expert muralists, volunteers and civic leaders will oversee volunteers and LAUSD students in the creation of five to ten community justice and human rights-themed murals. The murals will be donated to schools and libraries around Los Angeles.

Andres Chavez, grandson of Cesar Chavez, will be a guest speaker at the event. He was “raised in the tradition of the farm worker movement that his grandfather, César Chávez, founded. He has participated in United Farm Workers’ marches, rallies, picket lines, union conventions, and political campaigns, including those for immigration reform.”

Former State Senator Richard Polanco (who helped make March 31, Chavez’s birthday, a state holiday in 2000) will also be a guest speaker.

The program begins at 9:00 am on Saturday, March 26 at Echo Park Lake. Full details and directions are provided to you after you register. You can register to volunteer by visiting the LA Works website.

The Echo Center (formerly the Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting) here in Echo Park is hosting a new class called “Raising Girls Master Class” on Thursday, March 24.

Here’s the class description, from The Echo Center:

From a very young age, girls are inundated with messages that they should “act like a lady” at the expense of their own unique self.

Helping to empower girls to be authentic, feeling, thinking people who are confident and loving means developing and expanding our own ideas about gender and power.

This session offers concrete tools to help adults support girls.

The class takes place from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at a local Echo Park residence. Address will be provided upon registration. Space is limited, so register now!

Fee is $50 per person, $75 per couple. No one will be turned away for lack of

To RSVP: Contact Azucena Ortiz at 213.484.6676 x.311 or email aortiz@theechocenter.org for more information about the class.

Visit The Echo Center website to learn more about the non-profit.

The 26th Annual LA Marathon takes place this weekend, on Sunday, March 20. An exciting tradition, but there will also be some road closures and parking restrictions along the routes. Make sure you pay attention to those overnight “no parking” sings along the route – including a lot of parking real estate in Echo Park and Angeleno Heights.

Runners are expected to exit Dodger Stadium (the start of the marathon) as early as 7:00 am, with Echo Park streets expected to reopen by 11:00 am.

New to the experience as an Echo Park resident? Skip breakfast at a local restaurant (although they’ll be open!) and stay in bed for a little while longer on Sunday morning before heading out for errands. It can get messy if you try to drive around the neighborhood with Sunset Blvd. closed!

Click here for the PDF of the full map.

Flickr photo via Mary-Austin & Scott

Tonight is the Echo Park Historical Society Quarterly Meeting, and if you’re into Echo Park history this is definitely the one to check out!

Favorite local author Charles Fleming (he wrote the Secret Stairways book I’ve been carrying everywhere with me) will be talking about his book at the stairways of Los Angeles. I’ve also heard there’ll be a short tour of the remnants of the Egyptian themed mural in what once was the bowling alley (see awesome historical photo above.

EPHS will also hold its annual Board of Directors election. Members in good standing (paid memberships) will cast ballots during the quarterly meeting. Candidates will have an opportunity to make a brief presentation before ballots are cast.

The historical society meeting takes place TONIGHT! from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the Rec Center Studio, located at 1161 Logan Street.

Visit the Echo Park Historical Society website for more info, or email ephs@HistoricEchoPark.org

Last Saturday I got a chance to drop into the newly opened Sage Vegan Organic Bistro / KindKreme restaurant on Sunset Blvd. and Logan Street. I have to admit, I did like the new decor (dark lacquered matching tables and chairs, simple decorations on the walls), and the staff is helpful and punctual.

For my first visit, we had just finished one of the Secret Stairways hikes I’d been dying to accomplish, so we just stopped by for some vegan ice cream. Wanting to try all the flavors, I stopped at the Coconut ice cream because it was just too good to match.

Price-wise, it’s not going to be an every-day coffee joint – a small scoop if ice cream is $3.99 and a cold-press coffee with almond milk at about $4.50. But the Sage Bistro dinner menu looks promising (which we’ll post soon), and with a little careful budgeting I’m sure you’ll also stop by for a little weekend splurge.

And this Saturday is a good time to go – they’ll be officially launching with a grand opening during business hours. Free Baby Cakes ice cream sandwiches will be handed out on a first-come, first-serve basis until they’re out, and The Makepeace Brothers will be playing that evening.

Feel free to read about the new Echo Park vegan establishment in my latest article.

Sage Vegan Organic Bistro and KindKreme will be open 11:00 am – 10:00 pm weekdays, open until 11:00 pm on Fridays, and will be offering brunch on the weekends from 9:00 am until 10 or 11:00 pm.

Sage Vegan Organic Bistro / KindKreme is located at 1700 West Sunset Blvd. here in Echo Park.

You may have noticed the slew of media interest in Echo Park Lake’s own Maria the Goose lately (unless you missed it all). Last week, Steve Hartman of Katie Couric’s CBS show was sent to the lake to interview Maria’s favorite human, Dominic Ehrler. Click here to watch the full CBS story, which aired February 28.

Today we learned from Chicken Corner that Maria was relocated last Friday to the Los Angeles Zoo ahead of the Echo Park Lake Rehab Project starting next month. Dominic told Chicken Corner in an email about the status of her new crib:

Maria has a two-room suite in the quarantine section of the zoo hospital. She will be monitored for things like worms and any other potential problems. … A minor foot problem will be taken care of. After the quarantine period is complete in about 30 days Maria will be moved to the exhibit area where she can be seen by all. The zoo will hold/display her until her ultimate destination is determined. The zoo personnel are all in love with Maria. She is safe and secure.

Dominic will definitely be able to visit Maria regularly, and told Chicken Corner she is doing well!

We’ll miss Maria, but we’ll also miss the lake and can’t wait for the project to be completed. In the meantime, feel free to donate to the Echo Park Animal Alliance, which is overseeing the care and protection of all the other wildlife in the lake that will be displaced during the project.

Rain or shine, check out the 16th annual Community Job Fair Saturday, February 26. Over 100 companies from the public and private sector will be present to greet the over 10,000 expected job seekers.

Some of the companies looking to hire include Amtrak, El Super, Excel Paving, Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles Fire and Police Departments, Levy Restaurants, Los Angeles Unified School District, Pacific Asian Consortium & Employment, Southern California Gas Company, University of Southern California, United States Secret Service, W Hollywood Hotel and the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Participants are encouraged to dress in business attire and bring multiple copies of their current résumé.  On-site interviews will occur and many companies will be hiring on site. Additionally, the Southeast Community Development Corporation will have their Mobile Technology Unit on site to provide assistance to the job seekers including formatting and printing their résumés.

Here are the details:

Saturday, February 26, 2011 (rain or shine)
Kick-off event at 9:30 am
Event from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
At Dodger Stadium at the Field Level Concourse
Parking in Lot 6: Parking at Dodger Stadium and admission to the job fair are free. Free shuttle service will also be provided into the stadium from the corner of Elysian Park Avenue / Sunset Blvd. and Elysian Park Avenue/Stadium Way.

The 16th Annual Community Job Fair at Dodger Stadium is hosted by the Los Angeles Dodgers in cooperation with The Employment Development Department, City of Los Angeles, Youth Opportunity Movement, Worksource California, City of Los Angeles Workforce Investment Board, Central City Action Committee, Levy Restaurants, Congressman Xavier Becerra, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, Senator Kevin De León, Senator Carol Liu, Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez, Assemblymember Gil Cedillo, Assemblymember Anthony J.  Portantino, Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles City Councilmember José Huizar, Los Angeles City Councilmember Ed P. Reyes and Los Angeles Unified School District President Mónica García.

Click here if you’d like to download the flyer.

Rex Picket, author of Sideways, will be at Stories Books and Cafe this weekend reading and signing from his new novel, Vertical.

Check it out on Saturday, February 26 at 7:30 pm.

Complimentary words and wine (for those that are old enough) courtesy of Silver Lake Cheese.

Stories Books & Cafe is located at 1716 Sunset Blvd.

Masa of Echo Park, along with other Los Angeles restaurants and businesses, is once again participating in Go Eat Go Drink Go Out, a one-day event that raises funds to provide direct and vital support to those impoverished and disabled by HIV/AIDS in our community. This is the fifth year Masa has participated!

On Thursday, February 24 all participating Los Angeles restaurants will donate a portion of their days’s receipts to Aid for AIDs and The Sierra Project. 50% of Masa’s sales that day will be donated.

Please stop by and make a difference!

Masa of Echo Park
1800 W Sunset Blvd
Thursday, February 24
11:00 am to 11:00 pm

All you have to do is stop by and have something to eat or drink, and Rhonda, Rob, Tom and Julie of Masa will take care of the rest!

A group of parents, community members, and teachers are throwing an “information party” so people can learn more about the plans for CRES#14, the new school being built on Alvarado and Sunset Boulevard in Echo Park. Members of the design team, teachers and community members will talk about the Echo Park Community Partners Design Team plan.

The Echo Park Moms for Education group is circulating a petition in support of the Echo Park Community Partners Design Team proposal, as opposed to adopting plans from the Camino Nuevo Charter Academy.

Here’s an excerpt from the petition:

We want our community voices heard collectively through this petition because we want this school to be governed by the community. Of the two plans proffered for CRES 14, only the LD4 & Echo Park Community Plan allows for a degree of direct governance of the school by the community. We believe that having decision making power for both parents and community members is essential in both terms of self determination and direct participation.

If you’re interested in discussing this issue with fellow Echo Park community members, regardless of which proposal you are in support of, check it out:

Saturday, February 19 from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon

The Episcopal Cathedral Congregation – St. Paul
840 Echo Park Ave., in the meeting room

Coffee and treats will be served.

Related articles:

  • “CRES #14, a New School in LAUSD & An Interview With Windy O’Malley of Echo Park Moms For Education.” K-12 News Network, February 16, 2011.
  • “Lobbying Around Leadership at Echo Park’s New School Heats Up.” Echo Park Patch, February 15, 2011.
  • “Get involved: Almost time to vote on new Echo Park school.” Echo Park Now, January 25, 2011.

Hey bird-lovers! The 13th annual Great Backyard Bird Count is coming up on Sunday, February 20, 2011. Meet at the Echo Park Lake Boathouse at 8:00 am.

Discover the birds in your backyard, schoolyard or park. It’s fun, it’s free, and it helps the birds. All ages and skills welcome. Your checklist will contribute valuable information for science and conservation.

The bird count lasts about two hours. For more information, contact Judy Raskin at judycalifornia@yahoo.com or call (323) 663-6767.

The Digital Institute for Youth Media (DIY Media, a program of the Little Tokyo Service Center) is offering a FREE six week documentary filmmaking workshop for teens ages 12-19 in the Echo Park area. The class will cover all aspects of filmmaking from shooting to editing – students will work in groups of two or three to create a short documentary about a social issue important to them. Classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from February 15 through March 24.

While the class has already started this week, there are a few spots left for the remaining weeks. The deadline to enroll is Tuesday, February 22, 2011. Please email Tiffany at totoya@ltsc.org to join!

Classes take place in the Angelina Apartments Community Room, located at 1336 Angelina Street.

This all ages, family dance party is open to everyone, and sounds like a lot of fun for families! According to the event announcement, “An LA venue will be transformed into a kid-friendly environment with a live DJ, dancing, face painting, scarves, hula hoops, bubbles and healthy snacks.”

Family Dance Party takes place on Saturday, February 19, 2011 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

The Echo Center will be hosting the event in the basement of the Echo Park United Methodist Church Building, located at 1226 N. Alvarado Blvd.

Cost is $20.00 per family (cash, check, or charge). No family will be turned away for lack of funds.

Click here to download the event flyer (in English and Spanish).

Learn more about The Echo Center by visiting the website: www.theechocenter.org

The stadium floor is covered in dirt as they prep for the Monster Truck course

Dodger Stadium is ready for the final show of the Motocross/Monster Truck exhibits before the start of the baseball season.

On Saturday, February 19th, the Stadium is hosting a monster truck show from 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Here’s the full announcement from Dodgers Community Relations Manager, Noel Paillas:

This is a friendly reminder that this upcoming Saturday, February 19th, Dodger Stadium will host a monster truck show. This family-friendly event will occur on the field within the Stadium and will showcase racing, as well as skills of individual drivers and their respective trucks.

The exhibition and racing will begin by 2:00PM and be completed shortly before 10:00PM. This event is expected to be a sell-out and all parking gates used for games will be used for inbound, as well as outbound traffic. As such, this will be handled like all other major games/events at the Stadium. Therefore, to minimize the impact on the community a complete complement of LAPD/LADOT officers will be deployed in the community

And, like the Motocross event, there will be a limited number of first come, first serve tickets available for community members:

Finally, as has been our standing offer, we have a limited number of tickets available for members of the Echo/Elysian Park and Solano Canyon residents who are interested in attending the event. *Please understand these tickets are on a first-come, first served basis* Therefore, if you are a resident of either community and are interested in attending as our guest, you may contact me at noelp@ladodgers.com with interest (including total ticket request), your address and telephone number (additionally, since these tickets will be left under your name they are not-transferrable).  Requests must be received by 9:00AM on Wednesday, February 16th.  Tickets will be available for pick-up from our front desk starting at noon on Wednesday to 3:00PM on Friday (the day before the event) since Will-Call will not be available on the day of the event. Our Club-Level offices are located in parking lot D. Finally, if your request is granted, you will receive a follow-up confirmation email.

Should you have any questions, require additional information on this event, you may contact our Neighborhood Focus line at 323.224.2636.

Anyone thinking about going?

A thoughtful expression, photo from Garcetti's Facebook page

That’s right, Echo Park resident and our Council District representative (and fellow fan of Masa) Eric Garcetti will be the speaker of honor at the next Echo Park Chamber of Commerce Meeting.

Come early to guarantee your seat, order an awesome spicy margarita from and Allston Yacht Club staff member, and ask questions!

When: Thursday, February 17 from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.

Where: Allston Yacht Club at 1320 Echo Park Ave.

Follow Eric on Twitter, and what the heck – follow us too.