The Echo Park Branch Library (on Temple Street) is holding an Introduction to Web Design computer class on Thursday, October 8, 2009. You can, “Learn about HTML codes to create a simple web page. Computer keyboard experience is mandatory.”
Date: 10/08/09
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (please arrive 10 minutes early)

Echo Park
1410 W. Temple St.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 250-7808

No word on whether or not it’s free, but we’re assuming it is.

RSVP required. For more info and to RSVP, call 213-250-7808.

From Andrew on the Echo Elysian NC Forum:

Last night just before dusk, a guest of mine went out with one of my dogs up Park Drive to the Marion Harlow garden.  A man followed her from Park Drive into the park and then went into hiding in the bushes.  By the sound of it, he was acting suspiciously and did not have good intentions.  She described him as about 5′ 9″, medium build, tan complexion, brown or black hair.  He was wearing a dark navy or black track suit and a white knit beanie cap.

Please be aware.

This sounds a lot like the lurker who was doing this a couple years ago and was later arrested.  If it is the same person, what was effective was that when he was spotted, that people yelled at him loudly and let him know that he has been spotted.

We called the Rangers and Office of Public Safety (Park Police) when she got back and she filed a report.
If you see any suspicious activity, please call:

Park Rangers:  (323) 644-6661

Office of Public Safety: (213) 978-4670

Unknown purple flower

Not sure what this beauty is, but it was a pleasant surprise as I huffed and puffed my way up Parmer Avenue in Echo Park. Measuring about 3-4 inches in diameter, it decorates a basic fence along someone’s yard.

This will help work of the Friday night pizza and beer: a full moon bicycle ride around LA!

Where: Meet at the Echo Park Boat House on the lake

When: meet at 8:30 pm, ride starts are 9:45 pm

Extras: Noisemakers encouraged

Destinations: Echo Park, Hollywood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Westwood, with stops along the way. Some parts of the route pass by areas where cars have hit cyclists and ran (hit and runs), some of them killed.

Check out the route map here.

For more info, call (213) 622-0554 or email, the Midnight Ridazz also have a website where you can find info.

If your Saturday dinner plans involve eating out at the Allston Yacht Club on Echo Park Blvd., 20% of your check can be donated to 826LA if you mention it to your server.

826LA is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students ages 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. They offer tutoring for the kids Monday through Thursday from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

Allston Yacht Club is located here.
You can learn more about 826LA on their website.

Native Plants



Starting a 8:00 pm tonight, the Northeast Division will be conducting a sobriety and driver’s license checkpoint at the intersection of Echo Park Avenue and Sunset Blvd. The Division’s news release cites “80 driving under the influence-related and 792 hit and run traffic collisions” so far this year in the Northeast area of Los Angeles.

Heavy traffic this evening surrounding Dodger Stadium for the Dodgers’ last home series should make the checkpoint very interesting, and will likely slow down the flow of traffic leaving the stadium later on.

Drive safe everyone!

An alert to people living in northeast Echo Park: my roommates laptop was stolen out of his room yesterday. It probably happened sometime in the early afternoon while me and another one of my roommates were at home. However, we didn’t hear anything as we live two floors above him.

He accidentally left his window unlocked which is street-level and is just a few steps away from the sidewalk. We’re assuming that the thief just opened up his window and grabbed whatever he could find close by which would have been his laptop (oh, and a jar of change). It was most likely someone looking to make some quick cash or just wanting to have a little “fun.”

Learn from our mistake, and don’t forget to lock your windows as well as your doors. And beware of anyone loitering or snooping around. And, of course, the non-emergency police phone number for Echo Park is 1-877-275-5273

From the Echo Curio Myspace:

Thurs, Oct 1st – PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS presents BENEFIT SHOW for

This Thursday Plays Well With Other presents FUTURA, a benefit event that will be an impactful night
made up of music and art, with the main focus of bringing awareness to a particular non-profit
organization called Nightlight. This Electronica night will consist of DJ Righteous Trash, Thurlow and
featuring the LA artist Massaro. Massaro’s songs will seduce you with his haunting, beautiful, broken
vocal melodies sung over a brick wall of sea-sick droning guitars. The art will be donated by Sam
Gallagher, Dominic Massaro, and Lawton Outlaw, which scale from a combination of color field paintings
and mixed media paintings to Gary Baseman meets Andy Warhol; surreal cartoon like content that is fun
for the whole family. All of these amazing artists are coming together for the sole reason to help
Nightlight. Nightlight rescues women out of prostitution / sex trafficking in Bangkok, Thailand. A very
prevalent problem with these rescued women is that have been trafficked often fall back into
prostitution. This occurs because they aren’t given the opportunity or resources to learn other skills to
make a living and survive. That’s where Nightlight comes in. They teach the women how to make jewelry
then Nightlight sells it in places like the United States and through that funding, these women are given
the chance at a new life.


Sat, Oct 3rd – CMG and the NIGHT (pre-record release party) + THE LITTLEST
VIKING + THE BLACK HEARTTHROBS + the art of Paul Kaloper and Carrie


Read more


When: Wednesday, Sept 30th, 2009

Where: Dickerson Employee Benefits, 1918 Riverside Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90039

Field Deputy Alejandra Marroquin writes: “Designs for our future park have been completed and recently, the Department of Recreation and Parks completed their CEQA document as part of the City’s requirement to inform stakeholders and the public about the potential significant environmental effects of our proposed park. We would like to discuss the CEQA document with you and share with you our next steps as we move into construction phase.”

See the included flyer for more information, or contact Alejandra Marroquin at 323-957-4500.

In Los Angeles, planting edibles in the ground can be a bit precarious. A fabulous L.A.-based blog, Homegrown Evolution, has done all the heavy lifting when it comes to whether to plant the green beans, tomatoes, and all the other goodies above ground, or in the ground. As the Homegrown Evolution blog points out, most counties provide this service, just not LA. The University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences does it cheaply – $9-13 for a standard test.

Check out their post here and remember to test your soil before you plant your winter veggies!

A concerned Echo Park resident contacted us today about a “hit and run” incident in the Echo Park Vons parking lot in which a vehicle hit another car, and then left the scene.

“If you were hit by a big old, faded green Ford truck today in the Echo Park Vons parking lot (Alvarado and Montana) between 12:45PM and 1:05PM today, I saw it happen and I know where the vehicle is currently parked. I saw the older guy in the truck back right into your dark green Volvo, apparently causing a fair amount of damage. I left the parking lot, then circled the block, and returned to the lot only to see him driving away – at which point I realized he probably didn’t stop to exchange information.”

The tipster has more information, you can email us at for more details.


From Green Beacon. More info here:

“Cool Vegetables for Fall Gardens”

Saturday,  September 26th



Gardening isn’t just a spring fling!  Here in Southern California, it’s a year-round opportunity to harvest the earth’s bounty.  Join Christy Wilhelmi of for a 2-hour workshop that will get you ready to grow a successful fall garden.  Learn how to grow your own salad greens, broccoli, peas, root vegetables and more.  Get your hands dirty as you plant seeds in the Green Beacon garden, and discover the best techniques for designing your own fall garden that will keep you well-fed through February.

This workshop will cover the basics of starting veggies from seed, and will introduce heirloom varieties so you can customize your garden to your liking.  The Gardenerd will show you the best placement for your favorite crops, and give you the confidence to get started now!  Don’t miss out.  Space is limited so reserve your spot today!


Jon Korn, originally from Concord, MA and the co-creator of the Echo Park Time Travel Mart, has appeared two nights in a row on the popular game show Jeopardy! On Wednesday, September 23, his one-day cash earnings totaled $25,602.

Among other things, Jon Korn is also a Programmer for Outfest 2009. You can check out his “shout-out” on the Jeopardy! website.