Once you’ve thoroughly enjoyed your time at the Echo Park Community Parade, and supported some businesses for Echo Park Shop Hop tomorrow, be sure to stop by the Echo Country Outpost’s new location on Glendale Boulevard for its annual Holiday Hoopla!

The holiday party promises food, drink, music, games, and “psychic comfort” (bet you’re wondering what that means).

Here’s the lineup for the party:

Jenny Luna And The Moondogs (6:00 pm)
Matt Van Winkle Band (7:00 pm)
Olentangy John (8:00 pm)
Matt Taylor & His Laurels (9:00 pm)
Ghiant (10:00 pm)
Tommy Santee Klaws (11:00 pm)
Rt N’ The 44$ (12:00 midnight)

A Very Outpost Holiday Hoopla
Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 3:00 pm
$10 donation, all ages
Echo Country Outpost is located at 1770 Glendale Boulevard

There are ton of Echo Park neighborhood holiday parties over the weekend, be sure to check it all out!

Photo via the LA Stormwater website

While you’re enjoying this weekend’s Echo Park Community Parade, you may notice some new-ish signs donning the light poles around Echo Park. Lotus flower-themed anti-litter banners have returned to the community, reminding you to “Love Echo Park Lake, Don’t Litter.” The signs will be around for about 60 days, and are the same ones that were installed back in 2009.

A beautification grant from Council District 13 Eric Garcetti’s office has given grassroots organization Echo Park Trash Abatement Program (TAP), led by Ida Talalla, the tools to keep beautification of the neighborhood on the forefront. TAP just recently unveiled the neighborhood’s first solar trash compactor (Big Belly) this Fall. And last Saturday morning, TAP organized a community cleanup of Sunset Boulevard, an effort which received a matching grant from Garcetti’s office for the banners.

The Eastsider LA asked the question in late October when the banner proposal came up in the City Council: Is it too late for Echo Park Lake? For one thing, the lake is in the middle of a $65-80 million renovation project that literally unearthed a plethora of muck-covered goodies. But one thing that Echo Park TAP will always remind us is that trash on Sunset Boulevard, on Echo Park Avenue, or even up on Glendale Boulevard ends up in the lake, drained or not. Keeping the neighborhood clean is one positive step toward keep Los Angeles watersheds clean!

And it helps – according to the LA Stormwater Blog, TAP and Los Angeles’ Conservation Corps’ Clean and Green collected more than 60 bags of trash last Saturday. Let’s hope the signs help deter some littering so that the next TAP cleanup (on January 7, 2012) volunteers don’t have to work so hard.

It’s time for the annual Echo Park Community Parade! The parade takes place on Saturday, December 10, and starts at 10:00 am (ending at about 1:00 pm) and goes along Sunset Boulevard in Echo Park, starting at Elysian Park Avenue and ending at Park Avenue.

This year’s theme is “‘Tis the Season.” Each year, young students from the area participant in art contests held at different venues such as the Central City Action Committee (CCAC) and the Echo Park Farmers’ Market, and a panel of judges chooses three winners from varying age groups to have their artwork displayed on the parade flyer, poster and banner. So keep your eye for all the different contributions from area students on these pieces!

In addition to local schools, drill teams, cheer squads, and elected officials, we’ve got a few Echo Park businesses and organizations participating in the parade lineup. Amongst those are The Echo Park Time Bank, Edendale Library Friends Society (ELFS), The Warehouse & The Classroom, Mi Alma, 826LA, and more!

We know that Mi Alma will be bringing in a lot of color to the parade with a piñata-themed float. And The Warehouse LA/The Classroom LA will be sporting a nice big trailer with a live jazz singer and back up dancers. And of course there will be Santa!

Also in the parade lineup, Mitch O’Farrell from Eric Garcetti’s Office is this year’s Grand Marshal. Parade Ambassadors include Holly Calhoun of the Echo Park Farmers’ Market, the Echo Park Improvement Association, Masa of Echo Park Bakery & Café, and Albert Torres of Recreation & Parks.

You might find us sipping mimosas at either The Park Restaurant at Douglas and Sunset, which has a reallllly pretty brand new look to the patio, or keeping a seat warm at Lot 1 Cafe drinking mimosas, where they’ll also be offering hot chocolate and cinnabons.

After the parade, be sure to support your local businesses and shop local! The annual holiday Echo Park Shop Hop is going on, as well as lots of holiday parties at Mi Alma, Tavin, and more!

And lastly my shameless plug: We are so excited to be participating a little bit this year by designing all the new graphics for the flyer, parade program, and all those festive, red posters in the windows around town (hey, it’s our day job!).

Major kudos goes to Jesus Sanchez of The Eastsider LA! It was announced yesterday he’s being honored by the Los Angeles chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists as one of five “Distinguished Journalist” winners of the year. His work in the category of “Distinguished Work in New Media” earned him this top spot, and is among other fine honorees in different categories, including Lisa Bartley (ABC7 investigative producer), Bob Moon (radio’s Marketplace), Bob Pool (LA Times), and Howard Fine (LA Business Journal).

Sanchez’s background includes 25 years in the journalism business, and was one of the LA Times newsroom’s first online reporters. And of course, he lives in Echo Park!

All the award winners will receive their honors in the spring.

Click here to read more about the awards and its winners on LA Observed.

The holiday Echo Park Shop Hop is the big shopping event this weekend, in which Echo Park businesses are offering killer shopping deals along with libations, live music, and other fun events for the family. So before, during, or after the annual Echo Park Community Parade along Sunset Boulevard from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturday, December 10, make sure you support local businesses and do all your shopping locally!

Some of those businesses include (more may join up later):

  • Ballard’s Artwork Framing
  • The Echo Park Time Travel Mart
  • Rewind Audio
  • Bluecollar Working Dog
  • Origami Vinyl
  • K9 Loft
  • Echo Park Independent Co-op
  • Masa of Echo Park
  • Two Boots Pizza
  • Stories Books & Cafe: 15% all used books, 25% off Christmas cards, PLUS Laura Ann’s Jams
  • Backside
  • iam8bit
  • deKor
  • Lemon Frog Shop
  • Villainy General Store
  • Kellygreen Home
  • Anejo Duddery
  • PIlates & Arts: discounts, art, and holiday treats

In addition to the promise of “killer” deals, more Echo Park businesses are offering up some holiday parties and sales this weekend. Here’s the low-down:

Read more

The old Phoenix Bakery on Echo Park Avenue and Montana has few remnants of the old bakery days left – just a sticker-covered “free parking for Phoenix Express” remains. Although the magnificent mural on the Montana side is still there, a fresh coat of a burnt-orange paint is an indication that things are moving along for the upcoming opening of the much anticipated restaurant, Red Hill.

LA Weekly has the grand opening pegged as early as next week, on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, which also happens to be owner Jason Michaud’s birthday. Jason is not only an Echo Park resident, he and his wife own vintage store Tosen in Echo Park, the restaurant Local in Silver Lake, and a new restaurant in downtown called Local Express.

When we spoke to Jason last January, Red Hill was primarily going to focus on American cuisine, and would be open for brunch, lunch and dinner, with a primary focus on dinner. They also applied for a beer and wine license this year, which received the support of the neighborhood council.

The name Red Hill refers to a part of Echo Park/Elysian Heights history much older than I – the area was known to be a secluded and safe hub for artists, radicals, socialists and free-thinkers of all sorts. Communists joined them in the 1920s during the first Red Scare (a lot came from Boyle Heights), earning Echo Park the nickname of Red Hill (as well as “Red Gulch”).

Red Hill is located at 1325 Echo Park Avenue. Follow them on Twitter.

A hearty happy anniversary goes out to The Echo – the long-time music venue that has hosted pretty much every type of band is celebrating 10 years in the ‘hood. They’ve been posting pictures and videos of their fave shows from the past 10 years each and every day of December on their Tumblr site. In the meantime, there are some great shows for the month, which we’ll also continue to post in our weekly Echo Park’s Week in Music updates.

Tonight is Allen Stone and ZZ Ward, and Saturday is the return of the “Irregular Wine Tasting,” during which you’ll get to enjoy six West Coast wines from Darcie Kent Vineyards and Duck Pond Cellars while watching 1988 flick Miracle Mile (somehow the tasting is timed with the movie). Tickets are $20, click here to purchase and for more info.

The lineup for the rest of December includes:

Caveman, Races, Hands on December ember 8
The Soft Pack, Abe Vigoda, Slang Chickens, So Many Wizards on December 9
Kind Hearts & Coronets, Black Flamingo, Seasons, Virginia Reed, special guest DJ Devendra Banhart on December 13
White Arrows, Youngblood Hawk, Pollyn on December 15
Hang the DJs vs Club Underground with Yip Deceivers December 17
The Fling, Yukon Blonde on December 22
The Growlers (closing the party out with three nights) on December 28, 29, and 30

Trash from the EPIA community cleanup in November

The Echo Park Trash Abatement Program (TAP) organization that brought us the Big Belly Solar trash compactor to Echo Park Avenue and Sunset Boulevard is organizing a couple of neighborhood cleanups for you to join. The first is tomorrow, Saturday, December 3, just in time after the “big winds.” The hours dedicated by volunteers like you will be used to meet the required “Match on Grant” (possibly the Clean & Connected Communities grant) awarded by CD13 for the anti-litter banners that will soon adorn area light poles.

Here are the details for both cleanups:

Saturday, December 3, 2011 from 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Meet on Sunset by Metro Bus Stop between Echo Park Avenue and Logan
Dress for weather. Bring water as needed.

Saturday, January 7, 2012 from 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Meet on Sunset by Metro Bus Stop between Echo Park Avenue and Logan
Dress for weather. Bring water as needed.

See you there!


Unrelated to TAP but related to community cleanups Elysian Heights Elementary School will also be cleaning up the post-storm madness on Saturday morning. The school doors will open at 7:00 am with Mr. Maldanado at the helm and Friends of Elysian Heights Elementary working along-side. Bring the whole family (and some coffee) and help the cleanup efforts!

In Atwater Village

We might still have no Internet, and there are still thousands of Northeast LA residents without power (including Atwater Village, Los Feliz, Silers Lake, Highland Park, etc.), but the cleanup has begun.

At last night’s Echo Park Improvement Association town hall/holiday potluck, CD1 field deputy Richard P. Reyes told residents (which occupy both CD1 and CD13) that all field deputies had been going around the districts all day yesterday taking note of fallen trees and anything blocking streets, driveways, sidewalks, etc. Apparently there were a LOT of smashed cars and blocked streets. And last night we even had trouble getting home back to Echo Park, running into road closures on Riverside, and fire trucks up on Landa responding to a house fire (resulting in a 15-point turn by myself and four other cars on the narrow, windy road).

As far as we know, 311 is still operating 24 hours a day for non-emergencies. Call 911 for emergencies, and don’t touch any fallen power lines even if it appears the power is out.

Now what to do with all the debris? The LA Times reminds us that while Pasadena will have to deal with all those palm fronds in some other way, Los Angeles neighborhoods are allowed to recycle them in the green bins. If you can, just try to chop them up a little so they fit in the bin.

A couple of more tips from the LA Times blog series on what you can recycle:

  • Palm tree seeds are not recyclable, and should be placed in the trash bin
  • For any palm fronds that are on public sidewalks or streets like in the photo above, dial 311 and hopefully eventually the Bureau of Sanitation/Street Services will collect them
  • Call your field deputy or council district representative if there’s a fallen tree blocking a road, driveway, etc.

The Edendale Library Friends Society (ELFS) is having its final Saturday book sale of the year!

New donated books include children’s books, cookbooks, how-to books, DVDs and CDs. All proceeds go directly to fund programs, activities and new materials to the Edendale Library Branch.

There will be the usual Wednesday book sale on December 7, 14 and 21, but the library will be closed on Wednesday, December 28.

Edendale Library Friends Society (ELFS) Book Sale
Saturday, December 3 from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Edendale Library is located at 2011 West Sunset Blvd

While the wind storm last night didn’t exactly do any damage to our rental property, we struggled to sleep most of the night, worried the roof was going to blow off, or the windows were going to explode, or something was going to come tearing down Sargent and Scott into the new care.

The “my roof is going to blow off” worrying aside, the incredibly bursts of wind versus crappy rental windows, doors, and overall framework was borderline frightening. And it ain’t over yet – high winds will spur up again early tonight through Friday morning, with 60-80 mpg gusts in the mountains and coastal areas. 40,000 residents are estimated without power in the eastside, Atwater Village, and other neighborhoods in northeast LA, and while we’ve got power at home there’s no Time Warner cable or Internet (how are we going to live?!).

Delilah Bakery's new overhand took a beating

Pictures are popping up all over the social media networks, with businesses and residential homes sustaining quite a bit of damage. Delilah Bakery’s new patio awning took a tumble, but they are still open today. Masa Bakery & Cafe lost its sign last night, thankfully not landing on anyone outside the restaurant after dinnertime (the sign is carefully tucked away behind the restaurant, but don’t think Masa has closed down as it’s still open for business!). Just don’t go to Griffith Park – these crazy Santa Ana’s closed down the park due to fire danger.

Don't let the missing sign confuse you - Masa is still open!

Twitpic via lagueratamalera

Related articles:

Eastside gets windwhipped. The Eastsider LA, December 1, 2011.

High winds give scare to Echo Park residents in 100-year-old home. LA Now, December 1, 2011.

Windburn in Atwater Village: Palm frond-ocalypse. Atwater Village Now, December 1, 2011.

Click on the flyer for details


‘Tis the season! Pick up some holiday gifts crafted by local designers this weekend at the Angelino Heights Craft Fair. Looks like some pretty cute stuff!

The Craft Fair takes place on Saturday and Sunday, December 3-4, 2011 from 1-5:00 pm at 1461 Carroll Avenue in Angelino Heights.

Echo Park isn’t lacking in boutiques and independent stores, but there’s plenty of retail space for all!

New boutique Myrtle is celebrating its grand opening tomorrow, Wednesday, November 30, 2011 after taking over 2213 Sunset Boulevard in Echo Park (once occupied by Bobbie Boutique).

The name Myrtle refers to the store owner’s great-great-grandmother, and great-great-great grandmother, according to the website. The store will feature vintage goodies like bags and clothing from independent female designers (Alexandra Grecco, Kathryn Whyte, Scout and Catalogue, and Kelly Bergin are amongst the many designers).

While the store is opening tomorrow, you can also check it out during the Echo Park Shop Hop on Saturday, December 10 from 5-10:00 pm, where they’ll have cocktails to enjoy and fashion to shop for.

h/t LA Racked for the heads up!

Flickr photo via Non Paratus

Hard to believe it’s Christmas time again, and the only thing that really makes us feel like it’s the holiday season are the neighborhood Holiday decorations!

The Eastsider LA reminds us that Elysian Park staff members are ready for yet another season, and are organizing volunteers to help put together the traditional tumbleweed snowmen/women for the park’s entrance on Stadium Way. We almost didn’t have the decorations last year when city budget cuts left Elysian Park without the money for staff and decorations. But volunteers stepped in and the snowmen were up!

While we do miss the snowman that frequented the corner of Scott Avenue and Stadium Way, but we know it takes a lot off effort – volunteers help to trim and put together the whole outfit made from recycled materials for each one.

If you’re interested in volunteering, snowman assembling is on Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 10:00 am at the park maintenance yard (Academy Road and Solano Canyon Drive). Email hello@TheEastsiderLA.com for schedule changes.

We know this is last minute, but this should be the first of many beer tasting classes at Sunset Beer Company in Echo Park. The “Kinda-Sorta Holiday Beer Class” will feature delicious beers such as the Gouden Carolus Noel, Alesmith Yulesmith, Avec Les Bons Voeux de la Brasserie Dupont, and Port Santa’s Little Helper, among others (all excellent holiday beers). There will also be cheese – yes, cheese!

This inaugural beer tasting class takes place tonight, Tuesday, November 29, 2011 from 7-9:00 pm, and will only cost you $35 per person or $60 per couple. Be sure to sign up now before seats run out!

Also coming soon to Sunset Beer: Beer of the Month clubs, brewery nights, food trucks, and local delivery!

Sunset Beer Holiday Beer Class
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 from 7-9:00 pm
RSVP to info@sunsetbeerco.com or (213) 481-233
Sunset Beer Co. is located at 1498 Sunset Boulevard, #3