It’s a little early to be pulling out the Christmas tree lighting, but it might be a chance to get creative with some… body lighting? And yes we are taking bets on how long until the cops are called. Either way, you might be interested in joining glow-in-the-dark fun on Friday at 9:00 pm.

Here’s the low-down from the Facebook evite page:

That’s right, come dressed in your flashiest colorful gear! Were talking Led lights, EL wire, blinkie hats and glasses, glow sticks, Christmas lights, basically anything that lights up or glows!

Can’t find any lights? That’s OK, Bust out your freshest NEON GEAR! Just wear anything that’s gonna brighten the night. We will be bringing in the colors of spring in style!

BYOB, DJ, and free. Take some (PG-13) pictures for us if anyone gets creative!

From Captain Bill Murphy in a Northeast community newsletter sent out this afternoon:

Hello, just wanted to update everyone on a problem that has been occurring in Silver Lake and possibly Franklin Hills. A male Caucasian, in his 20s, has been going door to door asking for donations. He uses different pitches to try and get residents to give him money. One of these is that he is a member of the USC Baseball Team and he is collecting money for the team to attend an upcoming baseball tournament. Another is that he grew up in the area “don’t you know my parents?” then requests a donation to assist him to pay for his schooling. Anyway, whatever the pitch is you should be cautious. He begins by being very charming but when it becomes evident that the residents are not going to give him money – he becomes agitated. To date, we have not heard that any of the incidents have escalated beyond this. There were rumors flying around regarding him pushing residents, etc… but we have no reports that this ever occurred. He appears to simply be a scammer seeking donations door to door.

Also, some residents are worried that his actual purpose is to “case” their home for a future burglary or distract them so another person could steal from them. While it is possible that he is casing – I do not believe that this is the case. Generally, suspects who case an area do not want to bring attention to themselves. They are there to quietly select targets. The last thing they want to do is go door to door getting into arguments with residents – it bring way too much attention on them. And I do not believe he is committing distraction burglaries either. We have no reports of this and all the information I have simply talks about him being by himself trying to solicit donations.

An alert witness wrote down a license plate of a vehicle he may be using. We are working this up and I have placed extra officers in the area. We should be able to find him and find out what he is up to (book him if we can). The acts that he has committed so far (aggressive solicitation with fabrication) amount to low-level misdemeanors.

Here are some strategies to use on people seeking donations at your door:

1. DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR if you do not know who’s there.

2. Do not give any personal information whatsoever during the conversation.

3. Do not become engaged in a long discussion – they are good communicators and want to break you down to get a donation.

4. If the person persists, tell him to leave literature about his cause and you’ll take a look at it – be polite – but tell him you have to go.

5. Call LAPD Northeast Area (213) 485-2563 if you see him or he comes to your door. My officers will be alerted to this problem.

Thanks Bill

Some of you might remember the fire at Tigeorges’ Chicken the other month. Well the popular Haitian restaurant wasn’t the only business to suffer damage. Smoke from the fire and water from the firemen made their mark on the underground art and music space, L’Keg. A benefit is being held this Saturday to raise money so that L’Keg can reopen their doors as soon as possible.

Here is the deal: you have to RSVP on Facebook to find out the secret location. You can do that at the event page here. Those of you without Facebook will need a friend to help you out. However, this event is geared towards a scene familiar with Facebook so I bet if you are interested in this you already have an account!

Saturday, March 27th
12pm -5pm

The Bands:
DOS (Mike Watt)
+ DJ Keith Morris (Black Flag, Circle Jerks)

The Activities:
“face painting, photo booth, sidewalk chalk, collaborative movie-making, hula hooping contest, and much more. bring your DOGS, and feel free to bring your own fun (within reason).”

The Cost:
“well, it depends. FIRST 100 RSVPS ARE ON VIP $3 list. everyone after is $6. dogs get in free. no cats or ducks allowed.”

According to the Tigeorges’ Chicken website they will be reopening within the next two months.

L’Keg is located at 311 Glendale Boulevard (just south of Temple).

Tigeorges’ Chicken is located at 307 Glendale Boulevard.

Best Coast (Art Fag Recording, 2009) is a recent discovery for me and I love them. Luckily for me, and you as well, they will be playing Waved Out at the Echo and Echoplex this Saturday, March 27th.

Get this 7″ EP while it’s still in print. If you love thick distortion and heavy reverb, mixed with 1960’s pop sensibility song writing and a stoned-in-California vibe, this is for you.

Origami Vinyl is located at 1816 West Sunset Blvd, (213) 413-3030‎

The Echo is at 1822 Sunset Blvd, (213) 413-8200‎

Here is the schedule for this Saturday’s Waved Out Festival happening at the Echo, the Echoplex and Origami Vinyl. There will be food trucks, ice cream, t-shirts and more.

*Schedule subject to change

Doors are at 3pm.

$12. Purchase tickets here.

The Echo Schedule:

3:30  TO 4:00 – APES OF WRATH



5:50 TO 6:30  –  THE PO PO

6:45 TO 7:25 – GAMBLE HOUSE

7:50  TO 8:30  – DIRT DRESS

The Echoplex Schedule:

3:45 TO 4:15  –  GIANT CLOUD


5:15 TO 5:50 –  ACTIVE CHILD

6:05 TO 6:40 – MOON DUO


7:50 TO 8:30 – BEST COAST

8:45 TO 9:20 – TURBO FRUITS

9:35 TO 10:25 – SURFER BLOOD

10:40 TO 11:10 – THE SANDWITCHES


Origami Schedule:

1PM Jaques Barabon

1:45 pm Young Prisms

2:45pm Dazzleships

3:30 pm Pepper Rabbit

4:30 pm We Barbarians ( Not confirmed)

I just happened to luck out by having my camera on hand while walking by the sign installers at work. Nice sign, can’t wait to see it lit up.

E.P.I.C. (Echo Park Independent Co – Op) is located at  1712 W. Sunset Blvd, (213) 483-0260

Echo Curio wants your art for it’s April show. This time there is no theme so you can bring whatever your imagination can whip up! Bring your pieces to Echo Curio on Tuesday, April 6th between 7 and 10 pm for inclusion in the show. Don’t worry; if your piece doesn’t sell you do get it back. Echo Curio is located at 1519 Sunset Blvd.

Here is what the folks at Echo Curio have to say: “Ok, ok… tired of all that thinking, all that cramming your round ideas into our oval holes.  Well, this show is for you. Bring what you want, bring what you got, hell, make something new.  We don’t care.  We won’t ask what it is. We just have to be able to hang it or put it on a shelf, and we’re good to go.  Free and easy.”

Does anyone think that this would make a better park than incomplete condo complex?

I stopped by El Prado last night to grab two rounds after work. I’ve been a long time fan of microbrews and Belgian-style ales and it’s such a treasure to have a bar so close to my house that serves these style of beers. I had the Allagash Tripple.

When I was there I noticed that the room was split, almost equally, into wine & beer drinkers. It’s just that type of place. Being a fan of mid-week bar time, this is a great night at El Prado. Tuesday night’s are also Record Club Night, which is hosted by Origami Vinyl. Details for the night can be found on Origami’s blogsite.

All and all, fun times.

El Prado is located at 1805 W. Sunset Boulevard, (213) 484-6079

Picnickers and swap meet vendors

In the past month or so, we have received letters from residents commenting on the weekend swap meet surrounding the Echo Park Lake. Other community blogs have highlighted similar complaints and comments about the legality (or illegality) of the swap meets. We thought we’d take this opportunity to break down some of the issues that have come up in letters to us, other news blogs, and recent community meetings.


  • From fellow Echo Park resident Marysa: “ I just got back from running in Echo Park for the first time in a month and realized why I have been unable to park anywhere near my Logan St. apartment on Sundays. The half-baked swap meet that was on Park has now exploded down to the light house on Echo Park.  I can dig that people are trying to make a buck but I think it’s ruining the peace of being there. All jokes about the park aside, there is a large number of people I see on a regular basis who use the park for healthy purposes. It’s a shame to see our park get taken over by commerce.” Parking around the lake has been a frustration, especially as residents like Marysa have to fight crowds to park on her own street in front of her own house.  One suggestion has been to issue Parking Permits to people that live around the lake. However, this process can take a couple of years and a LOT of community organization (efforts the past few years surrounding Dodger Stadium are a good example of this).


  • In addition to the parking problems, some residents feel the Park is being overcrowded because the swap meet has expanded so far along the park edges. It is indeed a little difficult to navigate through the north-east portion of the lake. Just last weekend vendors were stretched along nearly the entire north side and along the east side just past the boat house. As Andrew Garsten, EPIA Chair of the Neighborhood Issues Committee, wrote in the latest EPIAn Ways newsletter, the swap meet is “displacing any possibility of using huge sections of the park for normal use like a quiet stroll or a picnic.” For residents like Mr. Garsten, the issue is really about people who live in Echo Park who don’t have the luxury of a back yard and who use the Lake because they need the park.

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Once Aisling Walsh gets some paint on the walls of her store and puts a sign up, she’s going to call it Caban (her business partner’s last name). But the lack of interior design isn’t stopping her from keeping her doors open every day from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm in case anyone would like to stop in and browse her treasures.

And she does, in fact, sell treasures. There was one piece that caught my eye as soon as I walked in: a hefty, old leather chair with dials on the arm rests. She sat me down in it and turned the dials and it began to vibrate. An early version of a “massaging chair” from the 40’s. Awesome. These are the types of items that Walsh spends all of her free time hunting down: unique vintage and second-hand furniture, vinyl, clothes and costume jewelry.

Helping her out is Javier Flores, who will be re-upholstering Walsh’s furniture-finds. He is also creating clothes that are simple in design but feature funky patterns and textures. Each piece is one-of-a-kind but will be priced somewhere between $20 and $30 each. Walsh wants to offer items that are unique and beautiful but accessible and priced for the average Echo Park resident. And she wants to revive the east side of Echo Park while she’s at it. Join the movement and go check her stuff out at 1218 W. Sunset (Sunset and Marion).

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As seen while walking up Douglas Street, with a view of the US Bank tower in the background.

Well, the long wait is finally over–after releasing their excellent debut, The Ortolan on Dim Mak records in 2007 and playing a slew of shows, tours, and sweater festivals, The Deadly Syndrome have finally returned with a new disc of their frenetic and hook-charged rock. Nolens Volens (Latin for “whether willingly or unwillingly”) will be independently released by the band on March 23rd–meaning you’ll be able to purchase digital copies from the usual gang of distributors like iTunes and Emusic, or you can buy a physical copy from the band’s website.

Produced by the band and co-mixed with Kennie Takahashi, Nolens Volens‘ sound, according to the band, promises “less ghosts, and less wolves. We tried to be as honest as we could. Hopefully we succeeded.” And, from the sound of “Wingwalker,” a preview track on the band’s website, it may well have been worth the wait. – Web In Front

The Deadly Syndrome || Listen || Watch

Thursday, March 25th

The Echoplex
1154 Glendale Blvd

The LAPD needs your help in identifying suspects in a home invasion last night in Angelino Heights. The suspects, who were posing as police officers, also attempted to rob the family after knocking on the front door of house located on the 900 block of White Knoll Street.

Thankfully, no one was injured and nothing was taken from the family’s home.

After opening the screen door, “the uniformed suspect threw a clipboard on the floor then grabbed the 55-year-old woman by her throat and threw her to the floor,” said Lt. Paul Vernon, commanding officer of LAPD’s Central Detective Division.  “Her 21-year-old son intervened and the suspect threw him to the ground as well.”

According to the blog post, “The suspects were described as Hispanic men between 30 and 40 years old.  Only one wore a long-sleeve, blue security uniform.  The other wore a black sweatshirt and green pants.  The suspects drove away in a black Infinity or Highlander SUV.”

If you have any information, please call robbery detectives at 213-972-1244.  During non-business hours or on weekends, calls should be directed to 1-877-LAPD-24-7.  Anonymous tips can also be called into Crimestoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477) or by texting 274637 (C-R-I-M-E-S on most keypads) with a cell phone.  All text messages should begin with the letters “LAPD.”  Online tips may be placed at, by clicking on “webtips” and following the prompts.

Click here to read the entire LAPD blog post about the incident.

One of my favorite new stores/spaces in Echo Park is one of my neighbors, The Echo Country Outpost. Aside from scheduling monthly art exhibitions and weekly/monthly music nights, they stock their store with new and vintage curiosities that speak to the appreciators of handmade quality and out-of-the-ordinary gift giving opportunities. The store is arranged with the care and attention to detail of a finely curated historical or natural history museum, and each piece has a unique story. On a recent visit, I inquired as to the stories behind a few pieces.

1) Employee Picks – Favorite Book/Publication:
The Satanists: Devil worship as chilling as Rosemary’s Baby.
Salty Sayings: He who goes with wolves will learn to howl.
Peyote: A compelling study of the sacramental use of the Native American hallucinogen.
The Legends and Myths of Hawaii – The Fables & Folklore of a Strange People: A book of Hawaiian mythology & legends. Written by Hawaiian King David Kalakaua.

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